Long Day At The Journal
There is no way to get ahead around The Journal. At least that is the way it seems sometimes.
Last Sunday, November 9, 2008, I went to work at The Journal. I know Sunday is the Sabbath. I know that I should not be working. But with a small staff and a Tuesday morning deadline looming, I usually have little choice.
Anyway, I went to work that day, believing that I could get much done. It was a bye week for the Washington Redskins.
I sent the church page to our printer and started working on another page.
The layout program froze on me and I turned the computer off to restart. Usually, this will clear the system.
This time, however, I got the flashing question mark, which is nearly always the sign of death for an Apple hard drive.
We never did get the G4 to work that day. I lost an entire day and nearly lost getting out an edition.
I ended up managing to produce a 10-page paper. I had sent two pages before the breakdown, leaving me with eight to do.
I was at wit’s end. Finally, I remembered that I had a G4 in the back room.
I hooked it up and began doing the paper.
Over the course of a few years here, we must have lost five or six hard drives. There is still a possibility that this latest one is OK. It is still being checked out.
Against a backdrop of sheer terrorism we have experienced in the past, it would not surprise me one bit that the G4 was sabotaged. It makes me wonder. It really does.
(Rick Gunter is editor and publisher of The Crewe-Burkeville Journal. E-mail him at cbjournal@meckcom.net or write to him at The Journal, P.O. Box 108, Crewe, VA 23930.)
Last Sunday, November 9, 2008, I went to work at The Journal. I know Sunday is the Sabbath. I know that I should not be working. But with a small staff and a Tuesday morning deadline looming, I usually have little choice.
Anyway, I went to work that day, believing that I could get much done. It was a bye week for the Washington Redskins.
I sent the church page to our printer and started working on another page.
The layout program froze on me and I turned the computer off to restart. Usually, this will clear the system.
This time, however, I got the flashing question mark, which is nearly always the sign of death for an Apple hard drive.
We never did get the G4 to work that day. I lost an entire day and nearly lost getting out an edition.
I ended up managing to produce a 10-page paper. I had sent two pages before the breakdown, leaving me with eight to do.
I was at wit’s end. Finally, I remembered that I had a G4 in the back room.
I hooked it up and began doing the paper.
Over the course of a few years here, we must have lost five or six hard drives. There is still a possibility that this latest one is OK. It is still being checked out.
Against a backdrop of sheer terrorism we have experienced in the past, it would not surprise me one bit that the G4 was sabotaged. It makes me wonder. It really does.
(Rick Gunter is editor and publisher of The Crewe-Burkeville Journal. E-mail him at cbjournal@meckcom.net or write to him at The Journal, P.O. Box 108, Crewe, VA 23930.)
It's probably not sabotage. That is usually something the "left" does. Just look at what the homosexual groups in California are doing to people because the majority of people said "YES" to marriage is to be between one MAN and one WOMAN.
Maybe you can become a conservative thinking individual and just accept that your bad luck is not the fault of someone else.
Now in the future, if you ever get to the point of being "rich," then you better worry. Obama is coming after you. Spread the wealth baby!!! Your hard work's profit is for all to share. Don't vote for change and then not want to give all of us some of it! lol.
Oh, how 'bout that "change" he campaigned AGAINST Hillary on. NOW he's hiring HER and many of Monica's boyfriend's people! Not to mention his pick for Atty. General. I guess you will not ...of course you will not..give and unbiased look to that fiasco.
I wonder how you view us, the tax payer, bailing out the auto industries. Yes, we who make minimum wage and a little more are facing bailing out those who make 70plus dollars an hour on the assembly line and up. It's the CEOs and the Unions who got them into the mess they are in. Don't think that when Obama gets in office that he and the democratic congress and senate won't give them what they want from us taxpayers. As any union member knows, the Dems are in the unions pockets. So pay them taxes people, support everyone. Keep driving to Blackstone, Farmville, Amelia, and farther to do your shopping. Keep living paycheck to paycheck. The more government grows and tries to take over, the more of YOUR check goes to government spending and the less of your check you have to spend on your own kids and your own family needs.
I could go on and on. It's all common sense.
By the way, did I want McCain? not really. He's a little too liberal for me. I'd love to have seen Huckabee, Romney, with Palin in office.
But with the leftist media, which you do your little-bitty part to help along, are far to one sided to present the facts out there for the people to read.
I miss the Eanes. If they were back in that office or someone somewhere even close to the "middle" were in that office, I'd buy a paper. I just happen across one laying on the table at my parents house that someone leaves on occasion.
You will see the change. Oh, and a heads up. Every tax cut he cannot give and every tax increase he allows to happen to us will be blammed by you and like minded one- sided people like you.
Have a great day!
that should be, will be blamed on that reckless Bush. I can hear him now explaining that things are just far worse than he thought so the cuts will have to wait. Oh, but campaigning, he was absolutely sure he could give them. I remember his explaining how he'd use a scalpel to delicately slice away unecessary spending.
How much ya wanna bet he'll increase government spending. (those two words together:government spending" really means "tax payer funded" which means MORE taxes on a people taxed to the point where we live paycheck to paycheck.
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